Safer cleaning, and formaldehyde facts.

When many of us think of formaldehyde, we think of 10th-grade dissections in biology class. Turns out that the liquid that kept decay at bay is also used in a wide array of products that we use every day. From plywood to insulation, glues to paints, shampoos to cosmetics – formaldehyde is a key ingredient. 

Unfortunately, prolonged exposure can cause health problems like skin or eye irritation, asthma, and even cancer. And unfortunately, it’s also in some cleaning products. Which seems counterintuitive – using a known toxin to “clean” your house. 

Thankfully, it’s simple to know if your cleaning products include it. Look for ingredient names like “formalin,” “urea-formaldehyde,” or “phenol-formaldehyde,” or even a preservative that releases the toxin, called “bronopol.”

But you’ll never find those ingredients, or any other containing or releasing formaldehyde, in Infuse products. It goes against the core of who we are. We are here to keep your home clean, your family safe, and the world a bit brighter.   

Let’s Recap:

  1. Watch out for coded names for formaldehyde containing or releasing ingredients, like those listed above.
  2. Know what to avoid, and so what to look for. You’ll never find any of these harmful chemicals on Infuse labels, or in our products.  

For more information, visit the websites of the Environmental Protection Agency and, or even