How to care for microfiber cleaning cloths

Now that you’ve stepped up your towel game from paper towels to microfiber cloths, we have some important tips on how to clean microfiber cloths so that those brilliant innovative microfibers that make the cloths work so efficiently continue to hold strong.

Similar to any type of fabric made from a special blend, it’s important to adhere to the care guidelines of the product to extend its lifespan. What makes Casabella Infuse Microfiber Cloths so effective are the ‘micro’ fibers—electrically charged fibers—that are designed to pick up dust, dirt, and other messes and make them stick to the cloth instead of pushing them away.

Before you toss your microfiber cloths in the wash, be sure to consider:

  1. Similar to how you separate whites from your colored clothes, you’ll want to separate all of your microfiber cloths from all other cleaning towels you have in your cleaning tote to create one load. This includes towels made out of cotton or materials that cause lint or pill. The idea is to ensure that the microfiber cloths aren’t doing their job while in the wash. This is their time to get a “spa” treatment and not pick up an extra shift picking up lint from all other materials they are tumbling around within your machine.

    DO separate microfiber cloths from all other cleaning towels.

  2. Depending on what cleaning products you used with your microfiber cloths, or if you’re aware of a big mess the cloths were used for, you might want to consider giving them a good rinse with warm water in the sink prior to tossing them in the wash. This will help remove any cleaners, oils, or proteins from the microfiber cloths. Wring out any excess water and place them in the washing machine.

    OPTION to pre-rinse before washing.

  3. Let’s talk detergent. Similar to how you want to avoid harsh cleaners around your house, you’ll also want to use gentle laundry detergent for your microfiber cloths and definitely avoid bleach. Think free, clear, and even unscented.

    DON’T use harsh laundry cleaners.

  4. Now it’s time for the full spa treatment. Toss all of the microfiber cloths together in the washing machine with gentle detergent, or if you prefer to hand wash them, that’s perfectly fine too. Keep in mind that hot water and heat can melt the microfibers, so warm water is highly recommended.

    DON’T use hot water or heat from the dryer as the temperature can melt the microfibers.

  5. Once the microfiber cloths are cleaned, we recommend hang drying them or placing them in the dryer on low or no heat at all. Do not use fabric softener. Not only will the fabric softener eliminate the electric charge that makes the microfibers effective it also causes build-up or clogs porous materials, which prevents the microfibers from picking up dirt and debris.

    DO let them “hang out” or air dry. DON’T use fabric softener.

Now that you’ve got a fresh load of clean and fresh microfiber cloths, it’s time to fluff and fold. If you’ve opted to air dry the cloths, quickly rubbing the cloths together in your hands or place them in the dryer on low or no heat for a few minutes to help “fluff” them. Fold, roll or apply your favorite napkin folding technique and place them back in your cleaning tote, under the bathroom and kitchen sink, and any other places you like to keep the microfiber cloths handy for quick clean-ups.